Regional Workshop – Keynote and Opening Address by Minister Valentin

Distinguished GuestsWorkshop DelegatesLadies and Gentlemen 1.0 Greetings & Introduction It is my utmost pleasure to welcome you all to this Regional Workshop on Early Childhood Care and Education, hosted by...

Opening IECD Regional Workshop

The Minister for Education, Dr. Justin Valentin has officially launched the regional workshop on transforming Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) in Africa. Senior Government Officials and ECCE experts from...

Regional Workshop – Welcoming Remarks – by CEO IECD

Regional Workshop on Progress and Way Forward for Africaon Tashkent Declaration and Commitments to Action for Transforming Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) for Countries of the Southern African and...

Launch of the Child Care Benefit Information System Seychelles (CBISS)

PS DICT keynote speech – Mr. Benjamin Choppy It is indeed with great pleasure, that I address you all today. Welcome to the official launch of the completed Child Care...

Child Care Benefit Scheme Goes Digital

The department of Information and Communication Technology (DICT) has launched the Child Care Benefit Information System Seychelles (CCBISS). This is an online platform which makes the administration of the existing...
