“Today, June 1, we join together to celebrate Children’s Day. On this special day, we remember the importance of having children in our lives. Their smiles and laughter bring us joy; we delight in their presence. They are true gifts that remind us that the world is full of innocent souls and it is our obligation to safeguard them.
“IECD as the national and international hub for Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) will continue to promote the holistic development of children and advocate for their right to education, health, nutrition and protection. It is important to remember that our children are the pillars of our society, and hope for the future. Our duty as adults is to ensure that each child grows up cheerful, happy, in a stimulating, safe, and caring environment.
“Our new mandate, recently approved by the cabinet of ministers is another major milestone in the development and provision of quality ECCE. We hope to achieve improved standards, adopt best practices, and, confidently, spearhead reform in early childhood care and education.
“Our upcoming strategic plan will pave the way for a more sustainable ECCE system, for strong engagement and collaboration with our partners internationally, and increased visibility for Seychelles. With our professional development programme, strong commitment to quality in the workplace, high quality staff, together with our partner ECCE sectors – social affairs, community development, health, education and family – IECD will remain a leading institution to raise the level of ECCE provision for the benefits of our children and their families, and thus contribute towards betterment of society.
“On behalf of the board and staff, I would like to convey our warmest and heartiest wishes on Children’s Day, to all children in Seychelles.”
Shirley Choppy
Chief executive of IECD