National Theme: Special Children’s Show

ICCS Latanier Road, Victoria, Seychelles

Provide opportunities for children to explore the national theme and promote their creative and artistic talents.

2nd International Biennial Conference on Early Childhood Care & Education Workshop 2

STC Conference Room Latanier Road, Victoria, Mahe, Seychelles

“Quels sont les impacts de la révolution digitale sur les jeunes enfants?’’ Présenté par le Dr Anne-lise Ducanda, Experte sur la surexposition des enfants aux écrans, France For local participants – an expert on the IBE list of resource persons

2nd International Biennial Conference on Early Childhood Care & Education Workshop 3

“Sharing the status of ECCE from 2017 to date, discuss progress, achievements and challenges in ECCE in Seychelles” (a) Evaluation Report of National Action Plan 2017-2018, Presented by Consultant, Dr. Andre Leste, Institute of Early Childhood Development (b) Presentations on other activities in ECCE services, general progress and challenges, Presented by Chairpersons of Sectoral ECCE Technical...