Registration of childminders
Childminders who have followed Pre-registration and sensitisation training recently conducted by the IECD will now be able to start the registration process. Registration will be opened until the 31st of...
Childminders who have followed Pre-registration and sensitisation training recently conducted by the IECD will now be able to start the registration process. Registration will be opened until the 31st of...
Lenstiti pour Devlopman Pti Lanfans (IECD) pe envit tou Childminders ki’n konplet formasyon lo Standar Nasyonal pour en rankont zeneral tre enportan. I tre enportan ki tou Childminders i fer...
Lenstiti pour Devlopman Pti Lanfans (IECD) pe envit tou Childminders ki’n konplet formasyon lo Standar Nasyonal pour en rankont zeneral tre enportan. I tre enportan ki tou Childminders i fer...
Building Resilient Early Childhood Care and Education Systems: Lessons of Experience
The IECD will be organising a general meeting for all the childminders on Mahe who have completed their training and who have registered their service with the IECD in 2016...
Zot partisipasyon dan sa bann rankont i tre enportan e i ava ganny byen apresye. Pour plis lenformasyon silvouple kontakte IECD lo nimero telefonn 4673700.
Miting sansibilizasyon baze lo Standar Nasyonal pour tou paran ek Childminders. Zot partisipasyon dan sa bann rankont i tre enportan e i ava ganny byen apresye. Pour plis lenformasyon silvouple kontakte IECD lo nimero telefonn 4673700.
Presentation of the Advocacy Survey Results on ECCE Issues
Main Study on Implementation of National Standards