Publication of Research Factsheet on Early Learning Readiness (6th Edition)
Dissemination of Findings of Assessment of Early Learning Readiness of Children in Childcare Services
Dissemination of Findings of Assessment of Early Learning Readiness of Children in Childcare Services
Governance and Management
Regulatory Fundamentals and Law Enforcement in Childcare Sector
Continuous Professional Development for Registered Childminders 10th & 24th April - SITE Classroom 24th April - Baie Ste Anne Community Centre
Audit Exercise on the Status of Provision of Services in Day Care Centres in preparation for the implementation of National Standards for Centre-Based Childminding Services. Location: In Respective Day Care Centres
Mauris laoreet dui eu tellus rhoncus Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC,...
Continuous Professional Development for selected Registered Childminders /Assistants 19th June & (Mahe) / 26th June (Praslin) - Baie Ste Anne Praslin District Administration Office
Audit Exercise on the Status of Provision of Services in Day Care Centres in preparation for the implementation of new Regulation on National Standards in 2022
Data Management in the Education Sector