The Institute of Early Childhood Development (IECD) launched its inaugural e-newsletter, a vibrant platform designed to celebrate milestones, projects, and initiatives in early childhood care and education, marking a significant leap forward in the Institute’s commitment to advocacy and digital engagement.

During a special ceremony honoring 43 newly trained prospective Childminders, the new online publication was unveiled by the Director of the Advocacy, Information, and Capacity Building Section, Ms. Shelda Commettant, who expressed her enthusiasm for the e-newsletter.

“This marks the beginning of what we hope will be a regular online publication dedicated to our advocacy strategy—an initiative that, though long overdue, arrives at a crucial moment as discussions and initiatives shift increasingly towards digital platforms,” she stated.

The ceremony was held on August 2, 2024, at the Savoy Resort and Spa and it was graced by the presence of guests, including Dr. Justin Valentin, the Minister for Education, and Mrs. Shirley Choppy, Chief Executive Officer of the IECD, as well as distinguished delegates from the Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) sector.

Ms. Commettant emphasized the e-newsletter’s role in keeping stakeholders informed about the latest developments, research projects, and best practices in early childhood care, education, and development.

“As a newly established UNESCO Category 2 Institute, we understand the necessity of staying connected and informed in our mission to improve the lives of young children globally,” Ms. Commettant added.

The first edition of the IECD e-newsletter features 12 compelling articles covering updates on research initiatives, effective practices, and significant activities within the ECCE sector. Additionally, it highlights the valuable contributions of partners who are dedicated to providing children with a solid foundation for their future.

To read and access the e-newsletter, interested individuals are invited to subscribe via the Institute’s official website at