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Josette Folette

Josette Folette pe vey zanfan depi 2006, depi ler in arete travay, e an 2017 in deside pour li anrezistre li osi koman en childminder avek Lenstiti pour Devlopman Pti...

Fadette Vital

Fadette Vital is a mum of two who lives at Perseverance 1, she is one of two registered child-minders in that district. With 15 years of experience under her belt...

Josette Hoareau

Madanm Hoareau I en manman 3 zanfan kin fini vin adilt e I en granmanman, ki vedir ki I anann dekwa leksperyans okip zanfan. I rakonte ki ler I ti...

Greena Cupidon

This mother of three, an ex-teacher with 38 years’ worth of rich experience working with young children and children with special needs. Her passion for her career is overwhelmingly contagious,...

Children’s Day Message from the Institute of Early Childhood Development

On Children’s day we celebrate the lives of our children who are gifts for our future generation. Children thrive in an environment of unconditional love, where their laughter and contagious...

CEO of IECD joins IBE team for education conference in San Francisco

The CEO of the IECD, Mrs. Shirley Choppy is currently attending the 63rd Annual Conference of the Comparative Education International Society (CIES) under the theme: Education for Sustainability. The invitation...

Mrs. Stephanie Desnousse

Mrs. Stephanie Desnousse is currently the Principal Nutritionist at the Ministry of Health. She has been working for the Ministry for the past nine years. She has a BSc in...

Mrs. Betty-Mai Sofa

Mrs. Betty- Mai Sofa, Principal Policy Analyst in the Local Government Department holds a Master degree in Community Development awarded by the Murdoch University, Western Australia. She has accumulated a...

Ms Beryl Laboudallon

Ms Beryl Laboudallon has been in the field of Social work for nearly 30 years come March. She began her career in 1991 in the Ministry of Social Affairs as...

Dr Andre Leste

Title of Presentation: An Evaluation of the National Action Plan 2017-2018 for Early Childhood Care and Education   Biographical Note André Leste obtained a first degree in Education, and a...
