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Masenety Marjorie Maimee

“Avek zanfan ou poze ler pou al dormi. Ou bezwen fer sir ou pare pour sa.” Premye konsey ki Marjorie Maimee ti donnen. I pe vey zanfan depi 2003, I...

Linda Auguste

After a long walk to her home, one is welcomed with the vivid murals of cartoon characters painted on her front wall. As you walk in, one is basked in...

The Launching of Kiddies Day Out

Young children need the opportunity to use their whole body to develop their gross motor skills. An open space allows them to be physically active, challenging themselves to form healthy...

Measuring Change in the Understanding of ECCE Issues

Communicating information through advocacy initiatives to create awareness among policy-makers, the workforce, professionals in ECCE, and the general population is a key objective of IECD.  Successful advocacy initiatives is a...


Continual upgrading and improving quality in Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE)in Seychelles, is of paramount importance to the Institute of Early Childhood Development (IECD); hence its recent training for...

ECCE Awareness Campaign

An important role of the Institute of Early Childhood Development is to advocate for Early Childhood Development. This requires the Institute to provide pertinent information on early childhood to all...

Sensitization Meeting for Parents on National Standards

Childminding services cannot exist without parents. If we want children to thrive in childminding settings, then it makes sense for their parents to get involved. It is with this intention...

Refresher Sessions for Registered Childminders

Building capacity of registered Childminders for a quality service is a major preoccupation of the team at the Institute of Early Childhood Development (IECD). Hence they organized a series of...

Data Management in Early Childhood Care and Education

A Pilot Study on Some Indicators in the Health Sector Introduction The Institute of Early Childhood Development in collaboration with the Ministry of Health, supported by technical assistance from the...


En pti pronmnad dan lavil, partikilyerman Semen Castor pou anmenn ou kot Lucie Hertel i vey zanfan. Telman i trankil laba ou pou sirprann ki i annan en Childminder la,...
