Regional Workshop on Progress and Way Forward for Africa
on Tashkent Declaration and Commitments to Action for Transforming Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) for Countries of the Southern African and Eastern African Community
Republic of Seychelles – 5th to 7th June 2024
Welcoming Remarks for the Opening of the Regional Workshop
on 5th June 2024, by the Chief Executive Officer-IECD/UNESCO C2I, Mrs. Shirley Choppy
Minister for Education, Dr. Justin Valentin
Minister for Local Government & Community Affairs, Mrs. Rose-Marie Hoareau
Attorney-General, Mr. Frank Ally
Members of the Diplomatic Corps
Secretary of State, Cabinet Affairs, Mr. Mohammed Afif
Chairperson of the Governing Board of the IECD-UNESCO Category 2 Institute under the auspices of UNESCO, Dr. Mmantsetsa Marope & Chairman of the IECD Local Board, Captain David Savy
Principal Secretaries
Distinguished participants from Southern and Eastern African Countries
Partners & Stakeholders in ECCE
Distinguished Guests
Staff of the IECD-UNESCO Category 2 Institute
Ladies & Gentlemen
It is an absolute privilege for me to bid a special and warm welcome to you, especially our guests from overseas, on this momentous occasion.
We come together to mark the opening of the three-day Regional Workshop for Southern and Eastern African countries – the first of its kind to be hosted in Seychelles, organized by the Institute of Early Childhood Development – Category 2 Institute for Early Childhood Care and Education, proudly operating under the auspices of UNESCO.
This major event, forms part of the Institute’s new international mandate, as we embark on our pivotal journey to provide strategic direction and leadership in ECCE globally; and our collective endeavor and engagement to translate our countries’ commitments to our young children’s development into concrete actions. Our mission is guided by the ‘Tashkent Declaration and Commitments to Action for Transforming Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE)’, under the visionary leadership of UNESCO.
We, leaders and experts in ECCE, are gathered today – almost two years after World Conference in ECCE in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, and barely a year after UNESCO’s Tashkent +1 Meeting, to reflect on what has been achieved so far and how we chart the way forward. During the next two days, we will have the opportunity to review progress, identify common challenges and strategize collectively in an effort to find common priority areas needing urgent attention or strengthening, in order to advance ECCE in our respective countries and regions.
We will only be able to move forward and record significant progress on the continent, if we support and work together, in areas where we have most strength and where technical assistance is needed to forge strong bonds of cooperation, build partnerships and support structures to bring about meaningful change in the years to come.
As the CEO of the Seychelles Institute of Early Childhood Development now a Category 2 Institute, the first and only UNESCO’s Category 2 Centre for ECCE in the world, I, together with my dedicated small team, feel deeply honored to organize and host this Regional Workshop, bringing together partners and stakeholders in the African region and on our continent.
Seychelles may be small, with challenges of our own, to sustain our resilient and comprehensive ECCE system in search of pursuit of quality ECCE provision. However, we are determined to share our best practices, knowledge and experiences we have amassed during our transformational journey with you, our dear counterparts on the continent, and also take the opportunity to learn from your experiences. This Regional Workshop is a testament to our commitment to transcending borders, not just within our region, but globally, and I am confident that it will be a catalyst for meaningful change in the early childhood development landscape.
I am happy to note that the African Union has designated 2024 as the Year of Education for Africa, in an effort to galvanize and accelerate the achievement of SDG 4. The theme aligns perfectly with our countries, regions, and global shared vision and strategic priorities for achieving SDG 4.2 for ECCE by 2030. As we embark on this journey, I would like to emphasize the vital role that education plays in Africa’s development and poverty reduction. It is through education that we can empower our children, communities, and continent, ultimately creating a brighter future for all.
By prioritizing early childhood development, we are investing in the foundation of our collective prosperity, and as a Category 2 Centre, we are committed to working together with you towards this vision. Let us celebrate the power of collaboration and knowledge sharing in achieving our goals for a brighter future for our children on our continent.
I want to count on your support, commitment, and participation and wish you fruitful discussions.
Please do find some time to visit our shores, its rich culture but where our commitment to ECCE is stronger, and enjoy the Seychellois hospitality.
I would like to express my profound gratitude to UNESCO Secretariat and Regional Offices for their continued support and partnership. Your commitment to early childhood care and education is truly appreciated.
I thank you very much for joining us today, as we make this critical leap forward, embracing our new international mandate.
I look forward to a productive and enriching workshop experience.
Thank you