This conference is part of the implementation of a Memorandum of Understanding between the Republic of Seychelles and the IBE-UNESCO, endorsed in February 2017. The main of the MOU is to collaborate for the purpose of strengthening the capacity of the Seychelles through concentrated technical assistance and supporting the global visibility to serve as the IBE-UNESCO Best Practice Hub for ECCE.
Since the UNESCO World Conference on ECCE in September 2010, which called on governments to adopt a broad and holistic approach to early childhood care and education for all children aged 0-7+ years, Seychelles has made considerable progress in the implementation of the Moscow Framework for Action and Collaboration. We have, through strong political will, established effective governance framework and administrative structures to ensure an integrated and collaborative approach to ECCE provision with considerable improvement in accountability and service delivery.
The past four National and International Biennial ECCE Conferences have served as platforms for sharing our achievements and progress and charting the way forward in making quality ECCE services accessible for all. We are currently engaged in the final stages of the implementation of the thir4d edition of the National Action Plan for ECCE, involving priority actions and strategies at the level of all the main sectors. The evaluation process has been initiated and a preliminary report will be presented at the forthcoming Biennial.