Daycare help for all children cared for by IECD-registered childminders starting April
All children cared for by childminders registered with and operating under the standards set by the Institute of Early Childhood Development will as from April this year automatically receive childminding help, President Danny Faure has announced.
In his State-of-the-nation address to the National Assembly yesterday afternoon, President Faure stated that as it is today, the Agency for Social Protection (ASP) has a scheme in place for parents who require financial assistance for childminding or day care. Parents need to apply for the assistance with the ASP and it is only if they qualify that payment is made directly to the childminder or day care operator.
“From April this year, this assistance will be offered for all children. The registered childminder or day care operator will inform the Institute of Early Childhood Development (IECD) of the details of the child who has been enrolled and a payment of R750 per child per month will be made automatically,” President Faure has announced.
He highlighted that this means that it will no longer be necessary for a parent to submit an application to the ASP.
“We are encouraging parents to take their children to a childminder who has been registered with the IECD where we know children are being cared for to high standards. This will also help reduce the cost of childminding for parents before children enroll in nursery.”
The president affirmed that research on early childhood has proven that from birth to approximately the age of 5 to 7, a child’s brain develops more than at any other time in life. And early brain development has a lasting impact on a child’s ability to learn and succeed in school and life. Therefore, it is critical that parents and childminders stay committed to ensuring children grow up in the best environment possible.
The head of state went on to note that this year represents the first decade since Seychelles embraced an active role in the early childhood domain. After 10 years of hard work and progress, in November 2019, the Institute for Early Childhood Development was recognised as a Unesco Global Category II Institute for Early Childhood Care and Development. The geographical scope of the Unesco Category II Institute means that Seychelles is globally recognised as a leader in this field.
“As a result, the government is in discussions with the Unesco to establish a Category II centre in Seychelles for the region. The government of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has agreed to give Seychelles a grant to build this centre. Construction is expected to start later this year,” President Faure confirmed.
Marie-Anne Lepathy – Nation.sc