The Institute of Early Childhood Development (IECD) visited APCEIU and related partner institutions from 8 to 13 February 2023. IECD is a UNESCO Category II Centre in Education based in Seychelles, focusing on Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE). As the agreement between UNESCO and the Government of Seychelles to appoint IECD as a UNESCO Category II Centre in Education came into force in late 2022, IECD visited APCEIU to learn about the functioning, programmes and activities of APCEIU as a well-known UNESCO Category II Centre in Education in the field of Education for International Understanding (EIU) and Global Citizenship Education (GCED). This process is expected to elevate IECD’s preparedness and capacity as a UNESCO Category II Centre in Education.

During their visit to APCEIU, the delegation of IECD consisted of Mrs Shirley Choppy (Chief Executive Officer/Head of Delegation), Mrs Sonia Mancienne (Vice Chairperson of the IECD Board), Mrs Vicky Michel (Secretary-General of Seychelles National Commission for UNESCO), Mrs Nathalie Moustache (Director of Regulatory Affairs), Ms Corina Andre (Director of Advocacy and Information), and Ms Laurette Lebon (Human Resources & Finance/Budget Management Officer) had the opportunities to interact with various offices at APCEIU and learn about the implementation and technicalities of their programmes in depth.

APCEIU and IECD also had the chance to pay visits to the Korean National Commission for UNESCO, the Korea Institute of Child Care and Education, and the Seoul Early Childhood Education and Promotion Centre. The meetings with these partner institutions have allowed IECD to learn more about the relations between Korea and UNESCO and the current efforts in Korea to support ECCE, particularly related to research and capacity building.

On the last day of the IECD Delegation’s visit, APCEIU and IECD signed a Memorandum of Understanding as a form of commitment between the two Centres to strengthen their cooperation in the field of GCED and ECCE. APCEIU looks forward to embodying the aspirations outlined in the MOU into practical programmes and activities that reach various beneficiaries along with IECD in the near future.
Courtesy: https://www.unescoapceiu.org/post/4716